Friday, April 25, 2014

Sucked back in

Because I'm the youngest of four kids, I grew up without a lot of things my siblings had mostly because by the time my mom got to me, she was exhausted, forgot, or just realized I'd be fine without them. For example, I don't have a baby book or a baby blanket or any of that stuff that most kids (and each of my siblings) have. Besides the countless therapy sessions I've required due to the absence of these things, I've ultimately been able to live a normal life despite not being able to look back on these items and passing them on to my kids (I'm kidding mom, relax). Yet, I've tried to make it a point to do these things for both of my kids so that some day they won't be able to give me a guilt trip in some blog or whatever other kind of public forum their generation comes up with. I mean, I'm sure they are going to find plenty of things to give me mom guilt about, but I am at least trying to keep their therapy sessions to a minimum.

So, since my last post, I succumbed to the mommy guilt (they're already doing it!) of having made a 'quiet book' for one kid and not the other. Not that my one-year-old would even know, sit still long enough to look at it, or not be able to grow into a stable human being without it. Yet, I still felt the need to delve back into the crafting abyss and make a one-year-old version of a quiet book. I'll be honest, hers looks like a total half-assed version of what I did for my three-year-old, but I didn't want to make one full of small pieces that she would swallow/choke on/stick in her orifices. And honestly, I'm too lazy to make two really awesome things in one week. Instead, I made a numbers and shapes 'lift-the-flap' book. It's good enough for her to destroy or ignore during our flight:

Again, this was done with just felt, scissors, and glue. Then I just hand sewed the 'pages' together to make it into a book. I might end up reinforcing the flaps with a couple of stitches so they will be harder to rip off of the pages. Super simple and easy. I bet she'll love ripping the glued-on stuff off and putting them in her mouth just to prove a point. Then one day she can get on a public forum and bitch about the fact that I made her a shoddy version of her brother's book that she choked on in-flight.

I'll just start saving for therapy now.

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